Tablatúra piesne Further Seems Forever - How To Start A Fire od skupiny Further Seems Forever
Tablatúra piesne Further Seems Forever - For All We Know od skupiny Further Seems Forever
Pondelok, 20 September 2010 17:34

Further Exhumation - Voice inside / tablatúra

Napísal Administrator
Tablatúra piesne Further Exhumation - Voice inside od skupiny Further Exhumation
Pondelok, 20 September 2010 17:34

Further Exhumation - The First / tablatúra

Napísal Administrator
Tablatúra piesne Further Exhumation - The First od skupiny Further Exhumation
Pondelok, 20 September 2010 17:34

Further Exhumation - The Fifth / tablatúra

Napísal Administrator
Tablatúra piesne Further Exhumation - The Fifth od skupiny Further Exhumation
Tablatúra piesne Further Exhumation - Instrumental (live) od skupiny Further Exhumation
Pondelok, 20 September 2010 17:34

Funyak, Nick - Forget It / tablatúra

Napísal Administrator
Tablatúra piesne Funyak, Nick - Forget It od skupiny Funyak, Nick
Pondelok, 20 September 2010 17:34

Funyak, Nick - Down / tablatúra

Napísal Administrator
Tablatúra piesne Funyak, Nick - Down od skupiny Funyak, Nick
Pondelok, 20 September 2010 17:34

Funyak, Nick - All In The End / tablatúra

Napísal Administrator
Tablatúra piesne Funyak, Nick - All In The End od skupiny Funyak, Nick
Pondelok, 20 September 2010 17:34

Funny Corpse - The Night / tablatúra

Napísal Administrator
Tablatúra piesne Funny Corpse - The Night od skupiny Funny Corpse